Saint Martin

According to legend, on a cold and stormy autumn day, a Roman soldier, named Martin, was traveling his way on horseback, when he came across a beggar who was hungry and cold.

The soldier, known for his generosity, took off the cloak he was wearing and used his sword to cut it in half, covering the beggar with one of the pieces. Further on, he found another poor, cold man and offered him the other half.

Without a cloak, Martinho continued his journey in the cold and wind when, suddenly and as if by miracle, the sky opened, driving away the storm. The sun's rays began to warm the earth and the good weather lasted for about three days.

Since then, every year, around November 11th, these hot days appear, which came to be called "S. Martinho's summer".

The chestnut season is officially open with the arrival of November 11th. And this São Martinho they may even arrive "hot", but certainly "less good" and also "more expensive" than last year.

The reason? There are and are not chestnuts. Contradictory? Let's do it by

steps. Chestnut production should even register an increase of around 15% compared to the previous year in light of projections by the National Statistics Institute (INE) which, from the perspective of the director of RefCast - Associação Portuguesa da Castanha, "should not go too far of reality." It is, however, necessary to take into account that the previous campaign was "terrible" with "a drop of around 50 to 60% compared to normal".

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Papa Francisco

Grande Ser Humano!
"As pessoas, invejosas e ciumentas, são amargas; não sabem cantar; não sabem louvar e não conhecem a alegria. Semeiam sua amargura e a difundem em toda a Igreja e Comunidade. Outra consequência, desse comportamento, são os mexericos. Porque, quando uma pessoa, não tolera, que outra tenha algo, que ela não tem, tenta rebaixá-la; falando mal dela. Vejam, por trás de fofocas, estão sempre, ciúmes e inveja."
______ Papa Francisco

Albert Einstein (nascido a 14/03/1879).

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) foi um físico alemão, nascido na cidade de Ulm em 1879. Quando jovem, mudou-se para a Suíça, onde se formou, tornando-se professor da Escola Politécnica de Zurique. Em 1903, casou-se com Mileva Maric, com quem teve dois filhos. O casal permaneceu junto até 1919, mesmo tendo vivido os cinco últimos anos do matrimônio separados.

Einstein foi uma das mentes mais brilhantes da ciência, e o seu legado inclui a explicação do efeito fotoelétrico, a formulação da teoria da relatividade espacial geral e restrita, além de grandes contribuições para a Física Estatística, por meio de sua explicação para o movimento browniano.

Vida pessoal

Einstein nasceu em uma humilde família judia. Durante a infância, os negócios familiares não iam bem, então seus pais decidiram mudar-se para Munique, onde ele obteve sua educação formal. Quando criança, não era o melhor aluno da classe, tampouco o pior, entretanto, apresentava uma clara predileção para as matérias exatas, como a Matemática.

Em 1900, graduou-se em Matemática e Física. As constantes faltas às aulas, para estudar os assuntos que ele julgava mais importantes, fizeram com que o gênio não se destacasse dentre os melhores estudantes de sua turma, apesar de ter tido notas altas. Após sua formatura, passou alguns anos desempregado e, apesar de almejar o cargo de professor-assistente, acabou sendo empregado pelo Departamento Oficial de Patentes de Berna, por meio da indicação de um amigo.

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Foreword becoming Michelle Obama

March 2017

When I was a kid, my aspirations were simple. I wanted a dog. I wanted a house that had stairs in it—two floors for one family. I wanted, for some reason, a four-door station wagon instead of the two-door Buick that was my father’s pride and joy. I used to tell people that when I grew up, I was going to be a pediatrician. Why? Because I loved being around little kids and I quickly learned that it was a pleasing answer for adults to hear. Oh, a doctor! What a good choice! In those days, I wore pigtails and bossed my older brother around and managed, always and no matter what, to get As at school. I was ambitious, though I didn’t know exactly what I was shooting for. Now I think it’s one of the most useless questions an adult can ask a child—What do you want to be when you grow up? As if growing up is finite. As if at some point you become something and that’s the end.

So far in my life, I’ve been a lawyer. I’ve been a vice president at a hospital and the director of a nonprofit that helps young people build meaningful careers. I’ve been a working-class black student at a fancy mostly white college. I’ve been the only woman, the only African American, in all sorts of rooms. I’ve been a bride, a stressed-out new mother, a daughter torn up by grief. And until recently, I was the First Lady of the United States of America—a job that’s not

officially a job, but that nonetheless has given me a platform like nothing I could have imagined. It challenged me and humbled me, lifted me up and shrank me down, sometimes all at once. I’m just beginning to process what took place over these last years—from the moment in 2006 when my husband first started talking about running for president to the cold morning this winter when I climbed into a limo with Melania Trump, accompanying her to her husband’s inauguration. It’s been quite a ride.

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Pablo Neruda. (Posted by: Fernando Rosa)


If you cannot be a pine tree on top of a hill
Be a bush in a valley, but be
The best bush on the edge of the stream.

Be a branch if you cannot be a tree.
If you cannot be a branch, be a bit of grass
And give joy to a path.

If you cannot be a road,
Be just a way,
If you cannot be the Sun, be a star.
It’s not the size that makes success or failure…
But be the best in whatever you are.

Pablo Neruda

ELLA FITZGERALD. (Posted by: Fernando Rosa)

BORN: April 25, 1918, in Newport News, Virgínia
SPOUSE: Bernie kornegay (1941-19439)
Ray Brown (1948-1952)
CHILDREN: Raymond, Jr. (adapted)
DIED: June 15, 1996, in Beverly Hills, California

Ella Fitzgeraçd. Known as “the First Lady of Song”, was born in  Virgínia. Her parents separated when she was one, and she moved to Yonkers, New York, with her mother. Ella and her younger sister, Frances, loved to dance. They would dance around their apartment while their mother sang along to records. Ella also joined the glee club at school.

In her early teens, Ella discovered the bustling African American neighborhood of Harlem, which was just a trolley car and a subway ride away. She went to the savoy ballroom and learned the latest dances, bringing them back to Yonkers and dancing on street corners for spare change.

Ella was sixteen, tall, and shy when her friends dared her to enter a talent contest at Harlem’s famous Apollo Theater. She planned to dance, but Ella was so nervous when she hit the stage that she couldn’t move her feet. She had to do something, so she sang instead. Her voice was shaky at first, but it grew stronger. Ella ended up winning first prize!


 Ella made scat singing popular, which is singing nonsense syllables like "skee-ba doobie-do-wah" to imitate musical instruments. It went along with a new kind of jazz music-bebop.


When Ella went on tour, her manager insisted that she and the other black musicians be treated the same as whites, even when they traveled in the south. Once in Texas the police went backstage to give the black perfarmers a hard time. When they saw band members gambling in Ella's dressing room, they arrested everyone, including Ella. Then they had the nerve to ask Ella for an autograph in jail!

She kept winning talents shows, and soon she was the lead singer for a jazz band performing at the Savoy Ballroom. Ella was a hit! her fans especially loved it when she left the stage and danced with the audience. She sang with lots of famous bands and recorded many albums.

Among her numerous honors are thirteen Grammy awards, over 40 million albums sold, and the National Medal of Arts given to her by President Ronald Reagan.